Cookie Policy

Like many websites, we may use “cookies.” A cookie is a piece of data stored on a user’s device containing information about the user’s visit. Cookies are of various types and have different purposes including:

  • Google Analytics cookies: we use these cookies to track information about a user’s visit, including the IP address of the visitor, time and duration of visit, pages viewed, visit source/referring site and time zone. We use the information to check the usefulness of our website and help us improve it and so enhance visitor’s experience of its visitors.

  • Cookies to keep track of logon IDs and system favorites for our client extranets so that the visitor does not have to log on or set favorites on every visit. We also use them to keep track of pages viewed. You can change your user settings in your browser to prevent us storing cookies on your device. You can find out how to do this, and find more information on cookies, at: